Evaluating India’s currency contingency plan
(The following article appeared on cnbctv18.com on August 13, 2018. https://www.cnbctv18.com/views/evaluating-indias-currency-contingency-plan-502021.htm ) While INR has weakened this year, the RBI has since kept up a quietly determined defense. Friday’s data release confirms that the RBI sold US$ 25B during April-June 2018. Yet, nervousness in our currency markets persists, and with reason. First, while Turkey’s is an extreme situation that bears little resemblance to our own context, the events there underscore the brittle nature of global markets, geopolitics, and sentiment. Second, our own vulnerabilities persist. India’s external balance is unhealthy. Last year, we borrowed fickle, carry-seeking funds to both pay for our higher oil, electronics and gold imports, and to increase RBI’s currency reserves. The balance looks worse this year, and existing large carry positions may reverse. Add the weaknesses in our banking system, a tricky fiscal bala...