A period of fiscal and monetary easing - once again
(The following article appeared on CNBCTV18 online on January 2, 2019: https://www.cnbctv18.com/economy/there-is-now-a-real-possibility-of-fiscal-deficit-target-slippage-1833351.htm ) A period of fiscal and monetary easing The latest central government accounts released by the Controller of Government Accounts (CGA) show the real possibility of a fiscal deficit slippage of 1% of GDP. This is even before any pre-election relief package is implemented. The finance ministry has repeatedly assured that it will meet this year’s fiscal deficit target of 3.3% of GDP. However, the impending slippage will not be easy to camouflage using usual accounting smokescreens, unless the government extracts a one-off dividend from the RBI. State and central governments are increasingly monetizing deficits to pay for current expenditures, rather than for productive investments. Our blinkered policy framework has made monetary policy an accessory to this fiscal...