BQ - All that needs to done to fix a Covid-19 economy
( The following article appeared in Bloomberg Quint on March 30, 2020, link below: ) Policy at the time of Covid-19 When a financially constrained household is hit by a severe medical emergency, it faces a dreadful, unspeakable dilemma – balancing monetary cost with the human outcome. With Covid-19, whole nations, India included, face this predicament. Whatever choices we make, we will likely incur significant humanitarian and economic costs. In addition, the duration and extent of this crisis remains very unclear as yet. Against this backdrop, we need a two-fold economic policy response. First, we need an emergency response to avert a humanitarian disaster. At the same time, we have to consider life after Covid-19. Our already vulnerable economy will suffer a body blow, and in the end, we could find ourselves at policy crossroads. ...